Handle the DevExpress GridLookup Popup KeyPress Event

So there’s a real pain when it comes to handling the KeyPress event of a RepositoryItemGridLookUpEdit control when you set the ImmediatePopup to “True”. Looking all over the DevExpress support center gave some clues but not a solid answer. I finally got it working and thought I’d share the solution just in case anyone else is having the same problem.

C# Example

private void repglkCities_Popup(object sender, EventArgs e)
    DevExpress.Utils.Win.IPopupControl oSender;
    oSender = (DevExpress.Utils.Win.IPopupControl)sender;
    oSender.PopupWindow.KeyDown += new KeyEventHandler(PopupWindow_KeyDown);

private void PopupWindow_KeyDown(object sender, System.Windows.Forms.KeyEventArgs e)
    if (e.KeyCode == Keys.Enter)
        DevExpress.XtraEditors.Popup.PopupGridLookUpEditForm oSender = (DevExpress.XtraEditors.Popup.PopupGridLookUpEditForm)sender;
        if (oSender.ResultValue != null)
            //Do something here with the value

private void repglkCities_CloseUp(object sender, DevExpress.XtraEditors.Controls.CloseUpEventArgs e)
    DevExpress.Utils.Win.IPopupControl oSenderl;
    oSender = (DevExpress.Utils.Win.IPopupControl)sender;
    oSender.PopupWindow.KeyDown -= new KeyEventHandler(PopupWindow_KeyDown);

VB.NET Example

Private Sub repglkCities_Popup(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles repglkInstrument.Popup
    Dim oSender As DevExpress.Utils.Win.IPopupControl
    oSender = DirectCast(sender, DevExpress.Utils.Win.IPopupControl)
    AddHandler oSender.PopupWindow.KeyDown, AddressOf PopupWindow_KeyDown
End Sub

Private Sub PopupWindow_KeyDown(sender As Object, e As System.Windows.Forms.KeyEventArgs)
    If e.KeyCode = Keys.Enter Then
        Dim oSender As DevExpress.XtraEditors.Popup.PopupGridLookUpEditForm = DirectCast(sender, DevExpress.XtraEditors.Popup.PopupGridLookUpEditForm)
        If oSender.ResultValue IsNot Nothing Then
            'Do something with the value
        End If
    End If
End Sub

Private Sub repglkCities_CloseUp(sender As Object, e As DevExpress.XtraEditors.Controls.CloseUpEventArgs) Handles repglkInstrument.CloseUp
    Dim oSender As DevExpress.Utils.Win.IPopupControl
    oSender = DirectCast(sender, DevExpress.Utils.Win.IPopupControl)
    RemoveHandler oSender.PopupWindow.KeyDown, AddressOf PopupWindow_KeyDown
End Sub

I hope this helps.

3 thoughts on “Handle the DevExpress GridLookup Popup KeyPress Event

  1. Paul Lau

    Thanks! Still is the way to do it in 2020. Seems quite awkward to me. Why you have to attach the handler each time the pop up comes up and then remove it? I tried other ways but none of them seemed to work.
    Thanks again!

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